Kaarme KAAOS 2.0 tank top, DIY vest & cutoffs, Margiela bag, vintage David Ackerman boots, custom Ray-Ban aviators, Black Plague necklace, tethered claw earring, Victorious Vertebra ring, and Feeling a Little Unbalanced tooth ring all courtesy of L.S.D..

It's been way, waaay too long -- forgive me. I've made a little promise to myself (and a Japanese fashion magazine) that I will NOT forget my camera when I walk out the door every day, so look forward (or dread, whatever) to a little kick in this blog's ass in terms of posting frequency.

I don't like hallucinating; I'm one of those people who would get stuck in the "I'm Never Coming Back" zone, bug out, and just tremble in a corner whilst sucking my thumb. However, I do love me some L.S.D.. Little Sister Designs are so versatile and easy to wear, but also have that element of macabre quirkiness that is difficult to achieve. I think I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again anyway: L.S.D. always make people do a double-take, and it's super fun. It's kind of like the same sensation I had as a kid when I would walk into school with a mouse or a newt in my pocket ... Ms. Burkhart's pieces make the wearer feel like they own this little special secret. At this moment I feel far from eloquent, so I'll STFU and let the pictures do the talking. This necklace is my new appendage -- it is beautifully crafted and makes a statement without MAKING A FUCKING STATEMENT. Obviously I have no problem with the latter, but it is nice to own a piece that falls into my "understated" category.

The vertebrae ring (a matching necklace is also available) has also been a staple for me lately. Sterling blackener is meticulously applied in such a way that the tiny bone has sort of a lovely gemstone-ish affect. The bright silver parts of the piece have an unexpected matte finish which is my personal favorite element of the design. The ease of mix-and-matching is a quality that literally all of my L.S.D. pieces possess; they're just really complimentary paired with everything from highly polished sterling or white gold, to powder-coated brass and tarnished sterling.

I don't know if I ever explained the reason behind my obsession with teeth on this blog. In a nutshell, I suffered a blunt force trauma injury as a kid that knocked out my two front teeth, the bone surrounding them, and the gum line. Nearly ten years of oral surgery and a partial denture later, I ended up with titanium implants (aka fake teeth you can't take out). But I'll never forget the image of my two front teeth laying in a pool of blood, on the cement dock of a whale-watching boat. It was night time, and, as Hannibal Lecter says, blood in the moonlight "... appears quite black." My teeth had been knocked out whole and I was surprised by their largeness and all of their little parts that I never knew existed in my ten-year-old mouth. In the shock of the impact, before my father scooped them up and put them in the breast pocket of his shirt, there was a nanosecond in which the teeth looked almost beautiful as they gleamed in the black pool, and I was numb. Thus my preoccupation with teeth -- human teeth, to reaffirm my freakishness. Surprise though, this super weird story is actually relevant: many of L.S.D. utilize sterilized human teeth, and those pieces IMHO are very special. It's like owning a vintage piece of costume jewelry and imagining the old biddy who wore it on her wrinkled hand as she drank dry martinis, but just a *bit* more primitive. Every tooth is completely different. Some have fillings. Some are pristine. I don't know how Ms. Burkhart obtains the teeth for her designs, but they are all pretty ingenious. I'll stop my rambling with this:

For a limited time, Lotte Burkhart is offering a generous 25% discount on all of the pieces offered in the L.S.D. webshop. Just use the code blogger25 and do like a bull in a china shop with that shit.

The fine folks over here at Käärme have re-stocked the previously sold out KAAOS shirt, and it has undergone a makeover. KAAOS 2.0 (limited to only 20 pieces) has the sleeves chopped off and has been tie-dyed with black, which gives it a nice "dirty" orange hue. I thought the teal Margiela bag was totally appropriate with the shirt, as it is color-treated in the same fashion. Anyway, KAAOS 2.0 will be available in the Käärme shop soon, but in the meantime if you are in critical need, you can purchase one by shooting us an email at kaarme.concepts@gmail.com.

Ahh, my David Ackerman boots ... by far the finest ebay purchase I have ever made, next to my Phi lace-ups. On the subject of shoes, I have an exciting new member of the family to share. But that is for the next post. This one took me an exhaustingly, embarrassingly long time to assemble, for some reason. I am pretty rusty. Thanks for sticking around! &hearts