Käärme Acid Bath vest & FDNG/D-Beat tee, Actual Pain leggings, Rick Owens boots, Supreme tote bag, vintage Chanel headscarf, I.D. nameplate necklace c/o Drawn & Quartered, grenade pendant (?), cabochon lightening bolt ring c/o L.S.D. skull ring c/o Alberto Juan, all other rings vintage or custom sterling.

The purple version of the Acid Bath vest has been sold out for a while now, but we still have a couple in the "gold" colorway I am wearing here. They'll be up on the Käärme webstore this weekend, but if you would like to order yours before they disappear, shoot us an email.

I was so excited when I saw these snakeskin print nylon totes hit the Supreme webshop, so I had to grab one in this killer green color before they vanished. If they're not sold out already I totally recommend this bag. If you don't care for green, it's also available in blue or gray, and comes with a neat little clip-on change bag thing. It is unlined nylon but surprisingly sturdy nonetheless -- it performed well as both my purse AND diaper bag yesterday when we took a trip to Maryland to visit my in-laws.

We at Käärme are super excited to announce our upcoming collaboration with L.A.-based M.A.V. M.A.V.'s demented 80s Nardcore vibe (think: RKL, JFA, Ill Repute) will be colliding in a violently awesome way with Käärme Concepts to bring you a special breed of totally offensive, corrupt streetwear in the very near future. Keep checking back here for updates on M.A.V. x Käärme. Check out Weezy in his own M.A.V. tee:

I spot an Aus-Rotten patch on that vest, which fucking rules!
I've taken a slew of outfit photos in the past few days, so I am going to go out on a limb and promise more frequent posting ... one thing I can promise for sure is a sweet giveaway coming up this weekend. Stay tuned! xo
I just ordered the Supreme snake tote in blue the other day - needed a new summer bag and I'm glad to hear it holds up. Looks great on!
What lip color are you wearing? It's great on you. Reminds me of MAC Dare You.
your style is always so effortlessly cool I love this outfit! Your vest and bag are both fantastic!
Fantastic outfit, I love the jacket!
Emma x
Emily, I'm wearing a Rimmel shade from the Kate collection, it is shade 04. It's a dark dark purple that works well either as just a stain, or you can build it up more for a more dramatic color :) looks good with black lipgloss too!
could you please say something to me?? nice käärme vest::)))
too bad lil wayne doesn't know any of those bands, been seeing a sudden influx of rappers wearing vests..some don't even have band patches, the ones they do..I doubt they've ever even listened to those bands. I smell a new wave of posery
Still usung that supreme bag? I'd happily buy it if you're not using it?
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